SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM, October 12, 2021 — We’re here at Ocean Business 2021 having a blast meeting some fantastic new industry players and connecting with a few of our global partners like Martin Stemp and Malcolm Johnston from RS Aqua Ltd in the UK, Alejandro Palmeiro Beck from Nautilus Oceanica S.L. in Spain, and Andrius Rimsa from Loxus 3D Tunnel Inspections in Sweden! Tomorrow is the last day of Ocean Business, so if you’re in the area and you haven’t had a chance to come and see what all the buzz is about, swing by stand V35 where SEAMOR Marine’s Simon Douthwaite and Chris Parker are showcasing our Mako ROV fitted with Blueprint Lab‘s Bravo Arm and a Sprint Nav Mini from Sonardyne International Ltd.

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