ST.JOHNS, NL, CANADA, APRIL 26, 2023 – Innovation is one of our corevalues at SEAMOR Marine and so we are proud sponsors of the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Regional Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Competition. This year, the Canadian regionals are taking place in St. John’s, Newfoundland on May 4th – 6th, hosted by the Fisheries and Marine Institute at Memorial University.
The MATE ROV Competition is a global underwater robotics challenge that engages youth in marine science and engineering; this year, the focus is on the United Nations’ Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development to inspire our global community to embrace environmental, social, and governance efforts as we work toward a sustainable future on our ocean planet.
In short, this competition is about protecting the ocean we need for the future we want. Join us in cheering on these budding scientists and engineers!