SEAMOR Marine Ltd.

ROV Structural Components

Here is a short list of ROV structural components of a typical mid-sized model. Each brand has a different design. The quality between ROVs varies based on material choices. Some brands prefer to produce cheap and fast models that have short life spans. In contrast, at SEAMOR, we choose quality and longevity so you get more a lot more use out of your ROV. However, all ROVs have to follow some standard “rules” and have similar parts.

Component List


Why Choose SEAMOR Marine?

What makes our ROVs unique is their ability to grow with your business. SEAMOR Marine ROVs can last you over a decade but perhaps you need to expand on your jobs in that same time. Our standard ROV structural components are better than the industry standard. We use a modular frame which allows for payload changes and swapping of accessories depending on your configuration. At the end of the day, we help you save money AND do high quality work.

Don’t just take our word for it, get in touch for a demo.

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