SEAMOR Marine Ltd.


NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, JANUARY 26, 2021 – The National Underwater Recovery and Training Centre is where the Canadian RCMP national dive team instructors are based. The SEAMOR Chinook has been put through its paces by the team over a long period of time with the goal of eventually setting national standards for underwater police work with ROVs. The RCMP Chinook, named Fab, carries both multibeam and mechanical scanning sonars, a manipulator arm, external temperature sensor, auxiliary lights, rear camera and also USBL – underwater GPS. The ROV allows the RCMP dive team to go deeper and stay longer without risking a human diver.

The Chinook has proven its ability to make headway into very strong tidal current and hold station efficiently, even with over 200m of tether deployed and in poor visibility. Fab has been working incredibly well for us and has been a big part of mission success.

SGT. G.E. (Jay) White, Coordinator, National Underwater Recovery Training Centre

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