SEAMOR Marine Ltd.


NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, JANUARY 27, 2023 – Col·lab·o·ra·tion – the action of working with someone to produce or create something

SEAMOR Marine Ltd. has chosen Collaboration as the focus value for 2023.

In choosing to focus on Collaboration, we embrace the synergetic energy that drives innovation forward, the unparalleled strength of a team united in purpose to design the most powerful, reliable, and versatile Remotely Operation Vehicles (ROV) on the world market. We continue to cultivate vibrant relationships with our international network of ROV dealers who, in turn, help us identify the unique challenges their customers face across industry sectors, international borders, and every type of marine climate zone. Most importantly, our responsive and dynamic connections with clients are foundational in fulfilling our mission to keep them flying year-round in every type of condition.

The true power of Collaboration is diverse, collective effort—as SEAMOR Marine President Robin Li puts it, “Collaboration is “互助”, which means helping each other.” Everyone brings individual strengths, valuable perspectives, and unique skills to each challenge; further, no team can function without firm faith that each member will reliably give their very best. Through it all runs bonds of empathy which provide flexible, high-strength connections essential for adapting with versatility to the ever-changing challenges of designing for marine environments.

“To empathize is to appreciate each other. With relationships founded in gratitude, the future will surely look different from today. This belief was in my heart as we chose Collaboration as this year’s focus,” Li says. “I believe the future is shaped by people who work together, acting with passion and purpose. Through all of our efforts, I hope to create a culture here at SEAMOR with “互助” spirit for many years to come.”

Join us this year in exploring all the power and potential that Collaboration holds for the present and for our future!

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