Happy 2022!

NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, JANUARY 7, 2022 – Happy 2022! We trust you had a wonderful holiday season and are now looking forward to moving ahead into this brand new year.
We start our new year with extreme weather conditions with a huge dump of snow. We were very grateful that all our team members returned to work safely on the first day of the new year. The Omicron-variant surge is still concerning and there will be heightened worry around COVID transmission in the next few weeks. We are doing all we
can to ensure everyone stays well.
Many thanks to our dealers, customers, and potentials for the opportunity to work with you all through 2021 and we look forward to continuing to work together in 2022. We also appreciate your trust and confidence in SEAMOR Marine.
We hope that the coming year brings exciting opportunities and growth for all of us.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you about your good news and challenges. We are here to help you.
Happy New Year to All!