SEAMOR Marine Ltd.

Common ROV Payload Mistakes

There are several common ROV payload mistakes that can be easily avoided with careful planning, design, and execution. ROV payloads are calculated based on factors like buoyancy, thrusters, power supply, and structural integrity. Usually this is done in collaboration between ROV operator and manufacturer. At least, with the manufacturers, like SEAMOR Marine, that offer customisable ROVs. Our modular ROVs offer increased payloads and benefits such as flexibility, adaptability, efficient maintenance, cost-effectiveness, faster deployment, research and development opportunities, and skill development for operators. However, we do see some common mistakes in ROV use when it comes to payloads.

Common ROV Payload Mistakes

Manufacturer Mistakes

Choose quality over discounts when it comes to ROVs. You might pay a little more upfront but you will gain a lot more over the longer term.

Chat with the customer support team and the engineers of your current ROV. Be sure to ask questions about their design and assembly process and check for adequate payload testing. If you are looking to buy an ROV, come and chat with us. We are eager over-testers when it comes to our ROVs. SEAMOR promises quality.


In short, avoid the common ROV payload mistakes by not rushing the job and taking your time to prepare. We cannot control environmental factors but we can plan for emergencies and potential necessary changes.

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