SEAMOR Marine Ltd.

The SEAMOR Steelhead ROV Improved with Updated Design

Introducing the Steelhead ROV – with updated design elements! Our Engineering and Design team saw the opportunity to make improvements to the vehicle which would improve the stability of level flight.

The newly designed float has a more angular front which tapers slightly towards the back of the vehicle.  This sleek shape provides better hydrodynamics to the vehicle, making it more stable in level flight.

The frame of the ROV has been redesigned as well.  The new frame redistributes the vehicle weight from the center to the outside of the vehicle.  This also adds to the maneuverability of the Steelhead during level flight.

As both experienced and novice ROV pilots know: a more stable vehicle is easier and more intuitive to fly.

We are always working to improve the user experience of our ROVs and are proud to announce that this new design is now available.

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